Views of Capdera

Mallorca's Eastern region features wind-swept beaches, quaint villages and Manacor, the island's second largest city. Mixing classic beach resorts where holiday-goers maximise their beach time with some historic and traditional towns, the Eastern region of Mallorca has lots to explore.

The Eastern Region of Mallorca, known as the Llevant, spans from the mediaeval town of Capdepera in the north down towards Manacor, Mallorca’s second largest city and birthplace of Rafael Nadal – one of the island’s most beloved and popular areas for families and adventurers alike. In some ways, the Eastern region of Mallorca is a study in contrasts: the classic holiday beach towns and buzzy ambiance mixed with some of the island’s most historic and local villages that are home to year-round communities.

At the top of this Eastern region sits Arta and the smaller village of Capdepera, where you can find the Mallorcan way of life with easy access to the summer fun. Like its name sounds, Arta is home to many local artists and craftspeople, particularly painting, weaving and pottery, lending the town a creative atmosphere. It also hosts one of the island’s larger theatres for plays and concerts. Capdepera, one of the easternmost parts on the island, is nestled in the hills, crowned by the Castle of Capdepera with its watchtowers and fortified walls built around the 13-14th centuries to protect villagers from invading pirates. It’s a charming village that feels historic, authentic and uniquely its own.

There are roughly 260 beaches across Mallorca and the Eastern region, along with the South, capture some of the most beautiful and pristine of them all. Cala Ratjada and Canymel are two of those iconic beaches whose popularity, having begun back in the 1960s when the beaches along the Eastern coast of Mallorca were being discovered by tourists, still remains strong. Even today, we can see the lure of these places and why they remain as beloved today as ever. Other highlights include Son Servera, one of the region’s oldest communities and a central marketplace for many years. Today, it is a quiet beach community surrounded by nature, with an excellent golf course. It is in close proximity to the beautiful beach, Cala Millor and Cala Bona. For years, Cala Millor has been considered one of the island’s top beaches thanks to its soft, white sand and particularly turquoise blue waters that call to mind the Caribbean. It still retains its Blue Flag beach award.

Capdepera Lighthouse
Views to Cala Millor

Other highlights of the region include Punta d’Amer, a quiet, natural preserve good for bird watching, and the Coves del Drach, one of the most popular tourist activities in which you take a boat deep into ancient stalagmite caves, listen to a magical concert and where there is one of the biggest underground lakes. While it does get busy - book tickets in advance, it is worth the trip.  

Porto Cristo, on the lower eastern edge of the Eastern region in Mallorca, is a traditional fishing village with a natural harbour that attracts sailing enthusiasts. It has a long history on the island, from the 12th century, when it took its name from the Christian conquests. Its proximity to the Southern towns and beaches, makes it a perfect place from which to explore the island.

Manacor is Mallorca’s second largest city and is an ideal location for a touch of bustling city life but also tranquil lifestyle. Its history as an industrial centre has long made it a strong, residential city.  The lure of Rafa Nadal’s influence on the city and his successful tennis camp and international school are also appealing, as is its proximity to some of the best beaches.