The Location Lowdown
The Brief

Sineu, perfectly positioned in the centre of Mallorca, is revered for its authentic rural and agricultural charm. Nestled in the flatlands region known as the Pla, it offers panoramic views over the sprawling landscape. The town’s gradual rise in elevation not only provides these scenic vistas but also symbolizes its historically privileged status.


Sineu's rich history traces back to the Roman era, with its original name, Sinium. The Moors left their mark, renaming it Yitnau. A significant transformation occurred under King Jaume II, who chose Sineu for a royal residence, constructing a palace that now serves as a convent. This period marked Sineu's golden era, establishing it as a pivotal town in Mallorca’s history. The Church of Santa Maria, with its medieval and gothic influences, stands as a testament to this storied past, especially after its reconstruction following a fire in the early 16th century.

What to do

In Sineu, the blend of history and modern life is evident. Visitors can explore traditional crafts, with several local artisans offering ceramics and stonework. The town centre, with its quaint streets, hosts a variety of restaurants, shops, and cafes, negating the need to venture far for shopping or dining. The highlight is the vibrant Wednesday market, a hub for an array of goods from fresh produce to handcrafted pottery. There are some amazing fiestas in Sineu, one being Sa Fira de Sineu, an annual spring fair established in 1318, reflecting the town's agrarian roots. Other notable events include Sant Antoni in January, with its unique rituals, and the summer festivities of Festes de la Mare de Déu d’Agost, showcasing a blend of activities and cultural displays.

Landscape or outdoor life

The landscape around Sineu is quintessentially Mallorcan – flat agricultural plains interspersed with beautiful sites and views. The town itself, with its historical architecture seamlessly transitioning to more modern spaces, offers a park and open areas for leisure. Its central location is ideal for those looking to explore different facets of the island, from its beaches to its mountainous regions.

Why we love it

For its harmonious blend of rich history and lively contemporary culture.